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US – Lamps, reflective devices, and associated equipment - Amendment Rule
US – Lamps, reflective devices, and associated equipment - Amendment Rule
Has been published a new rule in the Federal Register amending FMVSS 108 on lamps, reflective devices, and associated equipment. This document amends NHTSA's lighting standard to permit the certification of adaptive driving beam (ADB) headlamps. ADB headlamps utilize technology that actively modifies a vehicle's headlamp beams to provide more illumination while not glaring other vehicles.
The requirements adopted are intended to amend the lighting standard to permit this technology and establish performance requirements for these systems to ensure that they operate safely. ADB has the potential to reduce the risk of crashes by increasing visibility without increasing glare.
This final rule is effective from 22 February 2022.
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IDIADA's Regulatory Information System (IRIS).