IRIS Database is IDIADA's centralized knowledge source for Vehicle Type-Approval legislation.
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- New UN Regulations available on IRIS Database.
WP. 29 adopted the following new regulations at its 181st session. It will entry into force on January 2021:
No. | Subject of the Regulation | Document status | Vehicle categories |
Approval of vehicles with regard to fuel system integrity and safety of electric power train I the event of a rear-end collision | 00 series | M1 and N1 | |
Worldwide harmonized Light vehicles Test Procedure | 00 series | M1, M2, N1 and N2 | |
Worldwide harmonized Light vehicles Test Procedure | 01 series | M1, M2, N1 and N2 | |
Uniform provisions concerning the approval of vehicles with regards to cyber security and cyber security management System | 00 series | L6, L7, M, N, O and T | |
Uniform provisions concerning the approval of vehicles with regards to software update and software update management System | 00 series | M, N, O and T | |
Uniform provisions concerning the approval of vehicles with regards to Automated Lane Keeping System | 00 series | M1 |
- New Draft Regulations are also available on IRIS Database.
No. | Subject of the Regulation | Amendment level | Vehicle categories | Application date |
Draft proposal for new Implementing Regulation | Proposal for a New Regulation | M, N and O | TBD | |
Technical requirements for the type approval of motor vehicles with regard to intelligent speed assistance– Draft proposal | Proposal for a New Regulation | M and N | TBD | |
General construction characteristics and safety - Proposal for a New Regulation | Proposal for a New Regulation | M, N and O |
- You can get more information related to this highlights in our Regulatory Newsletter Service.
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IDIADA's Regulatory Information System (IRIS).