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UN - 177th session – List of adopted proposals: Publication of the date of entry into force
IRIS Regulatory News
The World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations (WP.29) held its 177th session from 12 to 15 March 2019.
They voted and adopted several proposals for amendments and corrigenda to existing UN Regulations and four proposals for new UN Regulations.
In this session, WP.29 approved a lighting package of proposals which are included in the list.
Issuing Region
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Vehicle categories affected
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Proposals for amendments and corrigenda to existing UN Regulations and for new UN Regulations of the 177th session of the WP.29
The following table shows the details and links of the amendment proposals to the existing UN Regulation of the 177th session of the WP.29. They will enter into force on 15 October 2019. These proposals are:
Date of entry into force | 15/10/2019 | |||
No. | Subject of the Regulation | Document status | Link | Vehicle categories affected |
0 | International Whole Vehicle Type Approval (IWVTA) | 01 series | M1 | |
3 | Retro-reflecting devices | 03 series | L, M, N, O and T | |
4 | Illumination of rear registration plates | 01 series | M, N O and T | |
6 | Direction indicators | 02 series | L, M, N, O and T | |
7 | Position, stop and end-outline lamps | 03 series | M, N, O and T | |
9 | Noise of three-wheeled vehicles | 08 series | L2, L4 and L5 | |
10 | Electromagnetic compatibility | 06 series | L, M N and O | |
19 | Front fog lamps | 05 series | L3, L4, L5, L7, M, N and T | |
23 | Reversing lamps | 01 series | M, N, O and T | |
27 | Advanced warning triangles | 05 series | M and N | |
38 | Rear fog lamps | 01 series | L3, L4, L5, L7, M, N, O and T | |
41 | Noise emissions of motorcycles | Suppl. 7 to 04 | L3 | |
48 | Installation of lighting and light-signalling devices | Suppl. 12 to 06 | M, N and O | |
48 | Installation of lighting and light-signalling devices | Suppl. 13 to 05 | M, N and O | |
48 | Installation of lighting and light-signalling devices | Suppl. 18 to 04 | M, N and O | |
48 | Installation of lighting and light-signalling devices | Suppl. 6 to 03 | M, N and O | |
50 | Position, stop, direction indicator lamps for mopeds and motorcycles | 01 series |
| L |
51 | Noise of M and N category vehicles | Suppl. 5 to 03 | M and N | |
53 | Installation of lighting and light-signalling devices for L3 vehicles | Suppl. 2 to 02 | 2019/17 as amended by paragraph 107 of the report, 2018/86/Rev.1 and | L3 |
53 | Installation of lighting and light-signalling devices for L3 vehicles | Suppl. 20 to 01 | 2019/18 as amended by paragraph 108 of the report, 2018/87/Rev.1 and 2018/105 as amended by paragraph 112 of the report | L3 |
62 | Anti-theft for mopeds/motorcycles | Suppl. 3 to 00 | L | |
67 | LPG Vehicles | Suppl. 16 to 01 | M and N | |
67 | LPG Vehicles | Suppl. 1 to 02 | M and N | |
69 | Rear-marking plates for slow moving vehicles | 02 series | M, N, O and T | |
70 | Rear-marking plates for heavy and long vehicles | 02 series | M2, M3, N2, N3 and O | |
73 | Lateral protection devices | Suppl. 2 to 01 | N2, N3, O3 and O4 | |
74 | Installation of lighting and light-signalling devices for mopeds | Suppl. 11 to 01 | L1 | |
77 | Parking lamps | 01 series | M, N and T | |
86 | Installation of lighting and light-signalling devices for agricultural vehicles | Suppl. 1 to 01 |
| T |
86 | Installation of lighting and light-signalling devices for agricultural vehicles | Suppl. 7 to 00 |
| T |
87 | Daytime running lamps | 01 series | L, M, N and T | |
91 | Side marker lamps | 01 series | M, N, O and T | |
92 | Replacement of exhaust silencing systems for motorcycles | 02 series |
| L1, L2, L3, L4 and L5 |
98 | Headlamps with gas-discharge light sources | 02 series | L3, M and N | |
104 | Retro-reflective markings | 01 series | M2, M3, N1, N2, N3 and O | |
106 | Tyres for agricultural vehicles and their trailers | Suppl. 17 to 00 | T | |
107 | M2 and M3 vehicles | Suppl. 1 to 08 | M2 and M3 | |
110 | CNG and LNG vehicles | Suppl. 2 to 03 | 2019/13 as amended by paragraph 104 of the report | M and N |
110 | CNG and LNG vehicles | 04 series | 2019/16 as amended by paragraph 105 of the report | M and N |
112 | Headlamps emitting an asymmetrical passing-beam | 02 series | L, M, N and T | |
113 | Headlamps emitting a symmetrical passing-beam | 03 series | L and T | |
116 | Anti-theft and alarm systems | Suppl. 6 to 00 | M1 and N1 | |
119 | Cornering lamps | 02 series | M, N and T | |
122 | Heating systems | Suppl. 5 to 00 | M, N and O | |
123 | Adaptive front lighting (AFS) | 02 series | M and N | |
128 | Light Emitting Diodes (LED) light sources | Suppl. 9 to 00 | L, M, N, O and T |
The following table shows the details and links of the corrigenda proposals to the existing UN Regulation of the 177th session of the WP.29.
Corrigenda entered into force on 13 March 2019:
Date of entry into force | 13/03/2019 | |||
No. | Subject of the Regulation | Document status | Link | Vehicle categories affected |
55 | Mechanical couplings | Corr. 1 to Rev. 2 | M, N and O | |
58 | Rear Underrun protection | Corr. 1 to Rev. 3 | M, N and O | |
107 | M2 and M3 vehicles | Corr. 2 to Rev. 4 | M2 and M3 | |
107 | M2 and M3 vehicles | Corr. 2 to Rev. 5 | M2 and M3 | |
107 | M2 and M3 vehicles | Corr. 3 to Rev. 6 | M2 and M3 | |
107 | M2 and M3 vehicles | Corr. 2 to Rev. 7 | M2 and M3 | |
107 | M2 and M3 vehicles | Corr. 1 to Rev. 8 | M2 and M3 |
The following table shows the details and links of the proposals for new UN Regulation of the 177th session of the WP.29.They will enter into force on 15 November 2019:
Date of entry into force | 15/11/2019 | |||
No. | Subject of the Regulation | Document status | Link | Vehicle categories affecteds |
148 | Light Signalling Devices (LSD) | 00 series | M, N, O, L and T | |
149 | Road Illumination Devices (RID) | 00 series | M, N, O, L and T | |
150 | Retro-Reflective Devices (RRD) | 00 series | M, N, O, L and T | |
151 | Uniform provision concerning the approval of motor vehicles with regard to Blind Spot Information System for the Detection of Bicycles | 00 series |
The list of Amendments, Corrigenda and new Regulations of the 177th session with the summaries of these proposals are available in the Regulatory Newsletter - June edition.
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