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News News


UN - 11th session of the GRVA - List of proposals for consideration and adoption by WP.29

                 IRIS Regulatory News




   UN - 11th session of the GRVA - List of proposals for consideration and adoption by WP.29

The Working Party on Automated/Autonomous and Connected Vehicles (GRVA) held its 11th session from 27 September to 01 October 2021.

They voted and adopted several proposals for consideration and adoption by WP.29 at their 185th and 186th sessions.

The 185th session will be held from 16 to 19 November 2021 and the 186th session from 8 to 11 March 2022.

Proposals adopted by GRVA at its 11th session for consideration and vote at 185th session of WP.29

The following table shows the details and links of the amendment proposals to the existing UN Regulations adopted at 11th session of the GRVA. They would be considered and voted by WP.29 at their 185th session which will be held from 16 to 19 November 2021. These proposals are:

Amendments to existing UN Regulations


Subject of the Regulation

Document status

Vehicle categories


Automated Lane Keeping Systems

Proposal for Suppl. 3 to the 00 series

M and N


Proposals adopted by GRVA at its 11th session for consideration and vote at 186th session of WP.29

The following table shows the details and links of the amendment proposals to the existing UN Regulations adopted at 11th session of the GRVA. They would be considered and voted by WP.29 at their 186th session which will be held from 8 to 11 March 2022. These proposals are:

Amendments to existing UN Regulations


Subject of the Regulation

Document status

Vehicle categories


Heavy Vehicle Braking

Proposal for 12 series

M2, M3, N and O


Motorcycle Braking

Proposal for Suppl. 4 to the 03 series



Motorcycle Braking

Proposal for Suppl. 2 to the 04 series



Motorcycle Braking

Proposal for Suppl. 1 to the 05 series



Steering equipment

Proposal for Suppl. 3 to the 02 series

M, N and O


Steering equipment

Proposal for Suppl. 6 to the 03 series

M, N and O


Steering equipment

Proposal for Suppl. 1 to the 04 series

M, N and O


Replacement brake parts

Proposal for Suppl. 8 to the 02 series

L, M, N and O


Advanced Emergency Braking System (AEBS) for M1 and N1 vehicles

Proposal for Suppl. 5 to the 00 series

M1 and N1


Advanced Emergency Braking System (AEBS) for M1 and N1 vehicles

Proposal for Suppl. 4 to the 01 series

M1 and N1


Advanced Emergency Braking System (AEBS) for M1 and N1 vehicles

Proposal for Suppl. 2 to the 02 series

M1 and N1


Cyber Security

Proposal for Recommendations

L6, L7, M, N and O


Software Updates

Proposal for Recommendations

M, N, O and T


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