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On-Board diagnostics (OBD) for electric vehicles
IRIS Regulatory News
EU – On-Board diagnostics (OBD) for electric vehicles
The European Commission has published the first draft of the proposal for a new Commission Delegated Regulation in order to establish a new Annex to R(EU) No 44/2014 detailing the functional on-board diagnostics (OBD) requirements for pure electric L-category vehicles.
After a dedicated consultation with OBD experts, stakeholders and member sates representatives, the applicable requirements for L-cat vehicles fitted with an electric powertrain have been agreed and defined, and therefore a new Annex XIIa shall be inserted in Delegated R(EU) No 44/2014 setting out the functional on-board diagnostics (OBD) applicable to pure electric L-category vehicles.
Although these requirements apply to vehicles fitted with any type of powertrain, most of the requirements refer to vehicles propelled by an internal combustion engine, and they result from adapting and streamlining those set out in Annex XII to that Regulation.
The technical requirements of this new Annex XIIa shall be mandatory for pure electric L category vehicles equipped with an OBD stage I system as set out in Article 21 of R(EU) No 168/2013 and according to the timetable set out in Annex IV to that Regulation.
In addition, the new Commission Delegated Regulation amends specific points of Annexes IV and VIII to R(EU) No 3/2014 to clarify the indicators and symbols that shall be shown to the rider in case of malfunction of a pure electric vehicle.
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