IRIS Database is IDIADA's centralized knowledge source for Vehicle Type-Approval legislation.
Based on an organized structure with the possibility of getting flexible results through powerful tools, IRIS provides you full content, consolidated documents and tailor-made information about regulatory acts.
To get access to the service, please fill in the form at the Access Request section. If you already have a user account, click Service Access button.
I.R.I.S. Regulatory Database
IRIS Regulatory Database offers permanent access to the whole EU, USA, ECE and China legislation with an organized structure with the possibility of getting flexible results through powerful tools.
The database contains latest versions of consolidated regulations supplied in PDF files.
What Database can offers you?
1. Consolidation
2. Amendments
3. Interpretations
4. Technical attributes
5. Equivalences
So, as well as IDIADA is recognised by its quality and work well done, IRIS database offers high quality standards and professionalized service to its customers.
Our team works directly with official bodies being part of main Brussels's and Geneva’s regulatory working groups.
In this way, our database offers not only updated regulatory acts but also the latest interpretations, amendments and the most relevant proposals issued from regulatory working groups.
If you would like to require IRIS services, please contact us. We would be happy to put at your disposal our knowledge and experience.