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Two new GB/T drafts standards

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Two new GB/T drafts standards regarding Blind Spot Detection System Performance recquirements and testing methods and Technical requirements and testing methods for lane keeping assitance system (LKA).


Chinese institutions in parallel to Europe are working on two new GB/T drafts standards regarding Blind Spot Detection System Performance requirements and testing methods for M and N vehicles and Technical requirements and testing methods for lane keeping assistance system (LKA) for M1 vehicles.


The main purpose of one of the drafts is that LKA should be able to identify the relative position of the vehicle and the lane edge in the visible lane edge environment, and assist the driver to keep the vehicle in the original lane.

Regarding the Vehicle Blind Zone Monitoring System (BSD) for M and N vehicles, it should be able to detect the target vehicle in the left and right adjacent areas of the test vehicle when travelling in a straight line and issue a warning when it enters the surveillance range.


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