IRIS Database is IDIADA's centralized knowledge source for Vehicle Type-Approval legislation.
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OCTOBER 2020 – Highlights
OCTOBER 2020 – Highlights
UNECE - UN Regulations new amendments to be adopted on November 2020
Proposals to UN Regulations would be considered and voted by WP.29 at their 182nd session which will be held from 10 to 12 November 2020.
The following table shows the details and links of the corrigenda proposals to the existing UN Regulations adopted at 81st session of the GRPE...
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| EU – Draft Commission Implementing Regulation on type-approval of motor vehicles with regard their Emergency Lane-Keeping Systems (ELKS). - New Draft
The Working Group on Motor Vehicles (MVWG) has published the draft Commission Implementing Regulation (EU).../... of XXX on type approval of motor vehicles with regard their Emergency Lane-Keeping System (ELKS). Regulation (EU) 2019/2144 of the European Parliament and of the Council lays down basic requirements for the type-approval of motor vehicles with regard to the installation of their Emergency lane-keeping system. It is necessary to elaborate on those requirements and…
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JP – Britain and Japan sign post-Brexit trade deal
Britain and Japan have formally signed a trade agreement, marking the UK's first big post-Brexit deal. The deal, unveiled last month, means nearly all its exports to Japan will be tariff free while removing British tariffs on Japanese cars by 2026. The two countries had reached a broad agreement in September, and the deal is expected to boost trade between the UK and Japan by about £15bn. The deal, which was negotiated over the summer, will take effect from 1 January 2021.
EU - Modernizing the EU’s batteries legislation - Proposal for a New Regulation on Batteries
The European Commission has published a proposal for a New Regulation on Batteries aiming to modernize the EU rules. EU law aims to minimize batteries’ harmful effects on the environment. The rules cover their full life cycle, from design & production to reuse & recycling…
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IRIS Regulatory Database
New content available in the IRIS Database:
IDIADA’S Regulatory Information System (IRIS) is pleased to inform you that IRIS Database includes the Australian Design Rules (ADR).
From now on, all in-force ADR standards of the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications of the Australian Government and other legislative documents will be available in our knowledge tool.
We also take this opportunity to let you know that the IRIS Database includes: UNECE, EU, USA, China, India and Taiwan Regulations.
No. | Subject of the Regulation | Amendment level | Vehicle categories | Application date |
Recycling of traction battery used in electric vehicle. Part 3: specification for discharging | New Draft Regulation | M,N,L | TBD | |
Electric vehicle wireless power transfer. Part 5: electromagnetic compatibility requirements and test methods | New Draft Regulation | M and N | TBD | |
Duties placed on registrants to update their registrations. Implementing Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 | New Regulation | N/A | 11-Dec-2020 | |
Commission Implementing Regulation (EU).../... of XXX on type approval of motor vehicles with regard their Emergency Lane-Keeping System (ELKS) | New Draft Regulation | M1 and N1 | TBD | |
R(EU) 2020/1590 | Take into account the evolution of the mass of new light commercial vehicles registered in 2016, 2017 and 2018. | New Amendment to R(EU) 2019/631 | M1 and N1 | 19-Nov-2020 |
R(EU) 2020/1589 | Modify and add some data entries to be monitored and reported by Member States and heavy-duty vehicle manufacturers | New Amendment to R(EU) 2018/956 | M,N and O | 19-Nov-2020 |
New General Safety Regulation (GSR) | New Interpretation - Application of UN R.095 according to R(EU) 2019/2144 | M,N and O | 05-Jan-2020 |
IRIS Database updates
Issuing Region | Updates |
1 new Regulation
| 21 updates |
| 2 new draft Regulations |
| 75 new Regulations |
| 4 new Regulations 8 updates to CMVR, 1989 |
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Best regards,
IDIADA's Regulatory Information System (IRIS).