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JP - Introducing international standards for autonomous driving technology
IRIS Regulatory News
Partial revision of safety standards for road transport vehicles and notifications that define the details of safety standards
The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) of Japan has published a press release introducing international standards for autonomous driving technology.
The Automobile Bureau is gradually expanding and strengthening automobile safety standards, while striving for international consistency.
Some of these standards are:
- The requirements of Regulation No. 157 of the Agreement shall apply to automatic operating devices with the function of keeping the vehicle in its lane when operating on motorways;
- The cyber security and software update standards that currently apply to vehicles with automatic guided vehicles will also apply to vehicles other than those with automatic guided vehicles;
- The following items are to be added to the list of items to be excluded from the measurement of vehicle width: detection devices for safe driving assistance: The protrusion must be below a certain level and must comply with the standards for exterior protrusions.
- Passenger vehicles with a gross vehicle weight of 3.5 tons or less (excluding those with a seating capacity of 10 or more, etc.) are added to the scope of application of the standards for occupant protection in the event of an offset frontal collision. to the scope of application of the standards for occupant protection in the event of an offset frontal collision.
- The scope of application of standards relating to occupant protection in the event of a side collision shall apply irrespective of seat height.
- To add freight vehicles with a gross vehicle weight of 3.5 tonnes or less to the scope of application of the standards relating to occupant protection in full-wrap frontal collisions.
- Motor vehicles used exclusively for passenger transport with a seating capacity of less than 11 passengers and motor vehicles used for the carriage of goods with a gross vehicle weight of 3.5 tonnes or less shall be equipped with a device to prevent fuel leakage in the event of a rear-end collision and a device to prevent electric shock in conformity with the requirements laid down in Regulation 153 of the Agreement.
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