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EU - Advanced Driver Distraction Warning (ADDW) - First Report

                 IRIS Regulatory News





EU – Advanced Driver Distraction Warning (ADDW) - First Report


It has been published a report on Advanced Driver Distraction Warning Systems (ADDW). The European Commission is working in this future Regulation. The work in this report was carried out to prepare and support the development of technical annexes for Advanced Driver Distraction Warning (ADDW) systems for vehicle categories M1, M2, M3, N1, N2 and N3. ADDW is defined as a system capable of recognising the driver’s level of visual attention to the traffic situation and warning the driver when distracted. This work falls within DDR (Driver Distraction and Drowsiness Recognition) safety measure forming part of the European General Safety Regulation.

This regulation will apply to the approval of vehicles of Category M1, M2, M3, N1, N2 and N3 with regards to an on-board system:

a) Capable of recognising the driver’s level of visual attention to the traffic situation, and

b) Warning the driver when distracted.


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   IDIADA's Regulatory Information System (IRIS).