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ADR 025 - Anti-Theft Lock - Proposal to allow manufacturers to use new UN Regulations
AU - ADR 025 - Anti-Theft Lock - Proposal to allow manufacturers to use new UN Regulations
As WP.29 has separated the functionality of locking systems, immobilisers and vehicle alarm systems out of UN R.116 into three new UN Regulations, vehicle manufacturers proposed that the Department allows vehicle manufacturers to use the new regulations as the basis of demonstrating compliance ADR 25/02.
The Department’s intention is to update ADR 25/02 to include UN R.161 as an alternative standard as an ADR amendment this calendar year. In the interim the UN has amended UN R.116 to include a clause stating that vehicles complying to UN R.161 are accepted as complying to the relevant sections of UN R.116.
Therefore, the Department will allow approvals to UN R161 to be acceptable evidence to ADR 25/02 by way of harmonisation.
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IDIADA's Regulatory Information System (IRIS).