IRIS Database is IDIADA's centralized knowledge source for Vehicle Type-Approval legislation.

Based on an organized structure with the possibility of getting flexible results through powerful tools, IRIS provides you full content, consolidated documents and tailor-made information about regulatory acts.


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New Requirements for granting of type approval for new types and extensions

New Requirements for granting of type approval for new types and extensions


​​​​​​​IDIADA's Regulatory Information System (IRIS) informs you that as of 15th November 2021 (24 months after the date of entry into force of UN R.148, UN R.149 and UN R.150approvals for new types under these regulations cannot be granted; however, extensions of approval may be granted.

This requirement was introduced as transitional provisions in the following series of amendments:


UN Regulation

Amendment where these transitional provisions were included:

24 months after the date of entry into force (15-Nov-2019) of:

UN R.098

02 series

UN R.148

UN R.091

01 series

UN R.087

01 series

UN R.077

01 series

UN R.050

01 series

UN R.038

01 series

UN R.023

01 series

UN R.007

03 series

UN R.006

02 series

UN R.004

01 series

UN R.123

02 series

UN R.149

UN R.119

02 series

UN R.113

03 series

UN R.112

02 series

UN R.019

05 series

UN R.104

01 series

UN R.150

UN R.070

02 series

UN R.069

02 series

UN R.003

03 series

UN R.027

05 series


​​​​​​​Do not hesitate to contact us for any clarification or further information you may require.

The IRIS team is at your disposal.

IDIADA's Regulatory Information System (IRIS).