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EU – Proposal for an Update of Regulation 2018/858 and its RMI provisions to technical progress in the field of (cyber-)security



 EU – Proposal for an Update of Regulation 2018/858 and its RMI provisions to technical progress in the field of (cyber-)security


The European Commission is working on a proposal for an update of annex X of R(EU) 2018/858 and its RMI provisions to technical progress in the field of cybersecurity.

This new proposal is necessary to ensure that generic parts manufacturers still have the capability to produce generic replacement parts and components, which are compatible with the proprietary cybersecurity architecture of the vehicle, and thereby ensure business continuity. Under this new Appendix, generic parts manufacturers, distributors or importers require the possibility to receive the necessary cybersecurity compatibility /interoperability information from vehicle manufacturers (‘VMs’) so that generic parts and components which are cybersecurity-relevant will be compatible with the proprietary VM-specific cybersecurity architecture of the whole vehicle and it is possible to install these parts securely with the vehicle.

These measures are essential in order to ensure that the current RMI provisions included in R(EU) 2018/858 Chapter XIV to protect the competition of the automotive aftermarket remain effective, despite the proprietary cybersecurity management strategy (CMS) being implemented by the vehicle manufacturers as allowed by UN R.155.

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   IDIADA's Regulatory Information System (IRIS).