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EU – Proposal for a new Regulation on the deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure

                 IRIS Regulatory News





EU – Proposal for a new Regulation on the deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure


The European Commission is working on a proposal for a new Regulation on the deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure, and repealing Directive 2014/94/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.

The revised Regulation’s implementation will be monitored using indicators for the physical rollout of recharging and refueling infrastructure in the EU. Well-established monitoring instruments will be used to follow deployment.

Member States will have to adopt a revised national policy framework to develop the market for alternative fuels in the transport sector and deploy the relevant infrastructure in line with the proposed strengthened provisions. This will enable the Member States to report to the Commission on implementation in a coherent and consistent manner. Data provision to the Member States’ national and common access points will follow commonly agreed data quality standards. In addition, the European Alternative Fuels Observatory will be upgraded and continue to gather and frequently update vehicle uptake and infrastructure deployment in all Member States.


A full review of the Regulation is scheduled for the end of 2026 to identify any possible shortcomings and identify future needs for legislative action on emerging technologies.


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