
Functional Safety

Functional Safety

Vista en miniatura Subido por Albert Curto, 20/06/23 9:48
Promedio (0 Votos)
Applus IDIADA has broad experience providing support in the application of Functional Safety processes in accordance with ISO 26262 Functional Safety – Road Vehicles. Our team of systems/safety engineers has over 20 years’ experience working hand-in-hand with automotive OEMs and industry suppliers.
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Versión 1.0

Modificado por última vez por Albert Curto
20/06/23 9:48
Estado: Aprobado
Applus IDIADA has broad experience providing support in the application of Functional Safety processes in accordance with ISO 26262 Functional Safety – Road Vehicles. Our team of systems/safety engineers has over 20 years’ experience working hand-in-hand with automotive OEMs and industry suppliers.
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Histórico de versiones
Versión Fecha Tamaño  
1.0 hace 1 Año 262k