
Multi-platform modular charging test system

Multi-platform modular charging test system

Thumbnail Uploaded by Albert Curto, 20/06/23 11:44
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IDIADA has developed a portable, multi-standard (Mode 3 AC, CCS, CHAdeMO and GB/T) and multi-platform (EV and EVSE) charging test machine. This test machine allows communication protocol and electrical safety compliance testing against real DUTs and across all different existing charging standards. IDIADA’s MCTS is a crucial tool to support automotive OEMs and EVSE manufacturers with the validation of EV charging interfaces.
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Version 1.0

Last Updated by Albert Curto
20/06/23 11:44
Status: Approved
IDIADA has developed a portable, multi-standard (Mode 3 AC, CCS, CHAdeMO and GB/T) and multi-platform (EV and EVSE) charging test machine. This test machine allows communication protocol and electrical safety compliance testing against real DUTs and across all different existing charging standards. IDIADA’s MCTS is a crucial tool to support automotive OEMs and EVSE manufacturers with the validation of EV charging interfaces.
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Version History
Version Date Size  
1.0 1 Year Ago 1.2MB